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[[fr]] En laissant vos coordonnées, vous acceptez que la société dthinking network traite vos données afin de répondre à votre demande et de vous envoyer régulièrement des informations et articles concernant l’innovation et l’information (base légale : consentement).
[[en]]To know more[[fr]]En savoir plus
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Vous pouvez à tout moment retirer votre consentement à la réception de la newsletter. Les destinataires de vos données sont, dans la limite de leurs attributions : notre personnel commercial, nos partenaires et sous-traitants (informatique). Les destinataires peuvent éventuellement se situer dans des pays en dehors de l’Union Européenne. Pour en savoir plus sur la protection de vos données, dont vos droits et leurs modalités d’exercice, consulter la rubrique « Vos données personnelles ».
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Meeting facilitator

Experimenting effective and energizing workshop-meetings with all the methodological tools.

The workshop-meeting

The meeting makes it possible to energize its employees and meet the needs of the organization in terms of deliverables. The meeting facilitator workshop allows you to experiment and replicate such meetings with its tools. It's all in the preparation.

Such learning by doing workshop is recommended for individuals of the same organization. It develops the team & group cohesion.

Alternatively, for individuals who wish to build meeting facilitation skills, remote meeting facilitator training is a better option. We mainly deliver this training in intra-entreprise.

You become a certified meeting facilitator.

The price list is available per session by clicking on the blue thumbnail with a date below.

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Method, tools & certificates

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Click on your date to discover the price

Hybride online +

This training is live. The live format consists of 2 consecutive days. A trainer-led format exists with the workshop of remote meeting facilitator.

Tutoré online +

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Every team is key for success

To help your teams to transform through innovation

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What you learn

  • Understand how a team works, its challenges to streamline work with simple tools, complementary roles, a shared protocol.
  • Define the need of the meeting manager and design such workshop-meeting meeting such need.
  • Experiment with tools and sequences to work more efficiently.
  • Practice and acquire the posture of a facilitator to encourage collaboration within a group.
  • Collect feedback to identify what can be improved.

Last update on April 27, 2022

Programme d’apprentissage

Click to discover the program in details

Equipe de facilitation d'apprentissage

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Formation très ludique sous forme d'interactions entre nous, différents jeux participatifs. J'ai beaucoup appris durant cette formation qui m'intimidait au départ.
Chambre des Métiers et de l'Artisanat

Feedback des apprenants

The learners' feedback invites us to develop learning by doing workshops in iteration meeting their evolving needs. You are invited to apply filters per training type and audience since June 2020.

899 of 899
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8 out of 12

Surname Name
Digital strategist

[[en]]Soon fully automated.[[fr]]Bientôt automatisé

Surname Name
Digital strategist

[[en]]Continuous feedback is critical for us, trainers.[[fr]]Le feedback continu est pour nous important, trainers

Surname Name
Digital strategist

[[en]]See more comments
[[fr]]Découvrez plus de feedback

Certified dthinking trainings

Get your own certificate

And you publish it on your linkedin profile to gain visibility & credibility. Of course, it requires practising again and again. We help you to accelerate your growth with your new competencies!

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Part of training paths

Choose which key role of our innovation & transformation model you would like to play in an organization. And you gradually follow the training courses to acquire the skills required to become one.

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