Different thinking
for a different growth

We help individuals, teams and organizations with Different thinking, doing & being


Training in design, facilitation & product leadership 100% online

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Certification pass rate

Since 2015, our 10,000 learners have successfully passed a certification that gives credibility to their professional skills.

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Learner satisfaction rate

Our learning by doing is a unique experience for our learners who leave theiropinion on Google platforms & dthinking reviews since June 2020.

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Return to work rate

Our learners find a job within 6 months after their training.

Till June 1, to help those looking for work, you only pay 33% of the company price. Our CSR in action!
En particulier pour ceux en recherche d'emploi. 
Notre RSE en action !

Loved by

Design, facilitation and leadership skills

Build your tailor-made learning to professionalize yourself


‍A TRAINING to acquire a complementary skill to a profession


A PACKAGE of training to acquire additional skills


A  professional JOURNEY to develop a ‍A JOURNEY to develop a leadership skill

Discover our answers to your frequently asked questions

Gain visibility

Leadership and skills certificates

Hybrid learning paths

The best learning efficiency in action training combining asynchronous and synchronous

three persons icon on the screen




To help you discover what key role and associated skills you want to develop

A framework of transformation through innovation

Discover our model

To replicate our practiced methods

Unique tools that support our methodologies

Ask us to help you find financing

With our next training-actions

Begin your journey

[[en]] What you get
[[fr]]Ce que vous recevez

[[en]]Much more than training
[[fr]]Bien plus qu’une formation

Discover our answers to your frequently asked questions

« DTHINKING nous a aidé grâce à son savoir-faire en innovation à faire émerger des idées nouvelles et à concrétiser notre projet »
Remi Bourgouin
Responsable innovation & synergiesCrédit Mutuel Alliance Fédérale
Lors d ’un atelier pour les top talents, « j’ai entendu déroutant, ébouriffant, impressionnant, et concluant. C’est ce qu’il faut que nous fassions pour nous transformer pour arriver à faire émerger de la nouveauté par les équipes et penser à nos clients. »
Marie Claire

[[en]]A distributed network of alumni
[[fr]]Un réseau distribué d'anciens apprenants

[[en]]Training-as-a-Service (TaaS): train your colleagues or customers to accelerate the human-centered transformation
[[fr]]Training-as-a-Service (TaaS): former vos collègues ou clients pour accélérer les transformations centrées sur l’humain

[[en]]We are committed, with you...
[[fr]]Nous sommes engagés avec vous...

[[en]]To develop with trainings & support the key competencies of individuals, teams and organizations to accelerate their positive growth and transformation for a sustainable future.[[fr]] A développer avec des trainings & des accompagnements les compétences clés des individus, des équipes et des organisations pour accélérer leur croissance positive et leur tranformation pour un futur durable.

[[en]]Discover our human-centered services
[[fr]]Découvrez nos services centrés sur l'humain

[[en]]To support your cultural, managerial, environmental and digital transformations by design[[fr]]Pour accompagner vos transformations culturelle, managériale, environnementale et digitale par l'innovation.

[[en]]Discover our services
[[fr]]Découvrez nos services
Discover our human-centered services

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Every great partnership starts with a good discussion. And let's prototype together a powerful learning journey with tangible outcomes.

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You can withdraw your consent at any time upon receipt of the newsletter. The recipients of your data are, within the limits of their powers: our sales staff, our partners and subcontractors (IT). The recipients may possibly be located in countries outside the European Union. To find out more about the protection of your data, including your rights and how to exercise them, see the « Privacy of use » section.
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We share with you news of the network, some good practice in innovation & transformation and the latest projects we did.

[[en]]By entering your email, you agree that the dthinking network company will process your data in order to regularly send you information and articles concerning innovation and transformation (legal basis: consent).
[[fr]] En laissant vos coordonnées, vous acceptez que la société dthinking network traite vos données afin de répondre à votre demande et de vous envoyer régulièrement des informations et articles concernant l’innovation et l’information (base légale : consentement).
[[en]]To know more[[fr]]En savoir plus
You can withdraw your consent at any time upon receipt of the newsletter. The recipients of your data are, within the limits of their powers: our sales staff, our partners and subcontractors (IT). The recipients may possibly be located in countries outside the European Union. To find out more about the protection of your data, including your rights and how to exercise them, see the "Privacy of use" section.
Vous pouvez à tout moment retirer votre consentement à la réception de la newsletter. Les destinataires de vos données sont, dans la limite de leurs attributions : notre personnel commercial, nos partenaires et sous-traitants (informatique). Les destinataires peuvent éventuellement se situer dans des pays en dehors de l’Union Européenne. Pour en savoir plus sur la protection de vos données, dont vos droits et leurs modalités d’exercice, consulter la rubrique « Vos données personnelles ».
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